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💿 Commands

Admin Commands.

/bw adminAdmin cmds listbw.admin
/bwa forcejoin (arena) (player)forcejoins a player to an arenabw.admin.forcejoin
/bwa setteam (player) {Team}Sets a player team, Team arg is optionalbw.admin.setteam
/bwa revive (player) (final / bed)Revives playerbw.admin.revive
/bwa setbed (player) (true / false)Sets player team's statusbw.admin.setteam
/bwa nextevent (arena) (event)Sets next event of an arena, Options: diamond-2, diamond-3, emerald-2, emerald-3, bed-destroy, dragon, endbw.admin.nextevent
/bwa skipevent (arena)Skips event of the arenabw.admin.skipevent

Troll Commands.

/bwa troll mlg (player)Forces player to mlgbw.admin.troll
/bwa troll cage (player)Traps the player in a breakable glass cage*
/bwa troll blind (player) (seconds)Blinds the player*
/bwa troll slowhands (player) (slowhands)Slows mining speed of the player*
/bwa troll kaboom (player)Launches player in the air*
/bwa troll toystick (player)Gives the player an explosive toystick*
/bwa troll ghast (player)Spawns ghast at the player*
/bwa troll mobattack (player)Spawns Zombies & Skeletons at the player*